Not Many People Know The Benefits Of Duku Fruit !!

Duku, or the Latin name Lansium parasiticum, is a fruit that grows a lot in Southeast Asia. This is what makes duku often found in Indonesia.

Even so, this fruit is a seasonal fruit that only grows once a year. In addition, duku only grows well in damp and shady areas.

Its small appearance does not necessarily make this fruit lose its fans. In fact, this fruit is widely liked because of its dominant sweet taste. Besides being delicious, it turns out that there are various health benefits of duku fruit that you should not miss.

Duku Nutritional Content

According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) Food Composition data, duku fruit contains many nutrients that are beneficial for the body. In 100 grams (g) of fresh duku fruit there are the following nutrients:

• Water: 82.0 g

• Energy: 63 calories

• Protein: 1.0 g

• Fat: 0.2 g

• Carbohydrates: 16.1 g

• Fiber: 4.3 g

• Calcium: 18 milligrams (mg)

• Phosphorus: 9.0 mg

• Iron: 0.9 mg

• Sodium: 2 mg

• Potassium: 149.0 mg

• Copper: 0.09 mg

• Thiamine (vitamin B1): 0.05 mg

• Riboflavin (vitamin B2): 0.15 mg

• Niacin: 1.5 mg

• Vitamin C: 9 mg

Healthy Benefits of Duku Fruit

Just like other fruits, duku fruit also has various health benefits. Despite its small size, the content of duku fruit is very abundant so that it can bring many benefits.

Here are the benefits of duku fruit for health:

1. Strengthens Teeth and Protects Gums

Consumption of duku fruit can provide benefits for your dental health. The reason is, the phosphorus content in the duku makes the efficacy of the duku fruit able to keep your teeth strong. The vitamin C content in the duku fruit also functions to maintain healthy gums. This vitamin can help keep the gums from bleeding easily, and prevent the formation of canker sores in the oral cavity.

2. As Antioxidant

Duku fruit has several vitamins that are good for the body, one of which is vitamin C.

The content of vitamin C in duku fruit can act as a good source of antioxidants to fight free radicals.

In addition, the antioxidants in duku fruit also play a role in preventing damage caused by pollution and toxic substances.

3. Good for Digestive System

The high fiber content in duku fruit is considered beneficial for maintaining the digestive system.

With a sufficient daily intake of fiber, you will avoid constipation and other digestive problems.

In addition to being rich in fiber, duku fruit is also rich in calories, minerals, and iron which turns out to be more than apples and sweet oranges, you know.

4. Repel Mosquitoes.

Even though they seem mild, mosquito bites can cause a variety of unfortunate diseases. Because, not everyone who is bitten by a mosquito only feels an itch that lasts for a while. There are also those who experience very severe itching until the surface of the skin becomes blisters due to scratching. This is caused by the bite of a mosquito that is an intermediary for the dengue virus or malaria parasite, as well as elephantiasis.

Well, to avoid it, you can take advantage of duku fruit. Traditionally, burnt duku skin is believed to prevent various diseases caused by mosquito bites because of the aroma that mosquitoes do not like.

5. Overcoming Various Skin Problems

Duku fruit peel has been used traditionally to treat various skin problems such as redness, acne, itching, and others. Rubbing duku skin on the involved area can reduce complaints, inflammation, and itching.

In addition, there is a traditional custom carried out by several groups of individuals, namely by using the sap from the duku stem to relieve swelling and wounds on the skin.

6. Prevents Premature Aging

One of the causes of premature aging is the result of free radicals. As previously mentioned, duku fruit is rich in vitamin C which is effective in protecting the body from free radical attacks.

For this reason, consumption of duku fruit will help get adequate vitamin C intake so that it can prevent premature aging.

7. Lowers Fever

In addition to its nutrient-rich fruit, duku seeds are also known to be able to help reduce fever. You can try it by brewing duku seed extract. But before that, you have to dry the duku seeds first. After the duku seeds dry, roast and crush the seeds until smooth. Then you can brew the crushed duku seeds with warm water.

8. Prevent Malaria

According to research, duku seed extract can actually help prevent malaria. Recent research has shown that duku seed extract is a source of compounds that work against Plasmodium falciparum, the parasite that causes malaria. In addition, the skin and leaves of the duku fruit can also prevent the growth of Plasmodium falciparum, you know.

9. Treating Worms

Children who often play outside, especially playing on the ground, will be very vulnerable got worms. As a result, the child will experience symptoms of lethargy, paleness, and weight loss.

If you have this, you can treat intestinal worms in children with duku fruit. Grind duku fruit seeds until smooth, then mix with cup water and drink 2 times a day.

Well, that’s it but some of the benefits of duku fruit are good for health. Very much isn’t it?

Even though it has many benefits, you still shouldn’t eat too much duku. Because anything in excess will not be good for the body.

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